As we revealed last week there are a number of new interior design trends that are set to explode in popularity in the coming year and now is the time to get ahead of the pack (and the prices) by remodeling your home with the hottest fashions of 2015. What you may be surprised by is just how many of the new decorating and remodeling trends fall within your home’s bathroom. With that in mind, here are some of the hot new trends to consider for your bathroom remodeling project in 2015.

Freestanding Bathtubs: Spa-style Relaxation

Freestanding tubs provide the feel of being at a spa.
Freestanding tubs provide the feel of being at a spa.

While stylists and plumbers report that they’re performing fewer and fewer bathtub installations, there’s still a very large percentage of homeowners who adore the rest and relaxation offered by a warm bath. In fact, freestanding bathtubs are projected to be one of the most popular features of bathrooms in the coming year. Due to their soft curves, spa-like serenity, and space-saving elegance, plumbers and bathroom remodeling contractors are seeing more requests for these features than ever before.

Make an Impact with Tile Features

Tile features create a bold and unique style for your bathroom.
Tile features create a bold and unique style for your bathroom.

Bold colors and patterns for bathroom tiles gained a major boost in popularity this year and don’t look to be slowing down at all in 2015. Colorful geometric tile installations provide a striking focal point to what can too often be a very neutral and uninspired space. That said, a calculated hand should be used if you’re interested in especially dynamic colors for your tiles since too much of a good thing can often prove to be distracting or clashing with the restful tone many homeowners are interested in achieving with their bathroom remodel. Be sure to speak with experienced tiling contractors about the colors and styles that best suit the design you’re interested in.

Energy-Efficient Fixture Options

Use energy-efficient lighting fixtures in your bathroom.
Use energy-efficient lighting fixtures in your bathroom.

Environmentally friendly technologies and features are here to stay and when you’re planning an update for your bathroom it’s inevitable that you’ll be faced with a variety of energy efficient fixture options. Solutions ranging from low-flow toilets to energy-efficient bathroom lighting are now available and are often being incentivized both by the lower utility bills they create and the rebate programs which many are listed in. For a comprehensive list of these incentive programs be sure to visit the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency before you discuss these options further with your bathroom remodeling contractors and plumbers.

Let your Interior Design Flow Everywhere

Warm metal tones and nature-inspired decor can breathe new life into your bathroom.
Warm metal tones and nature-inspired decor can breathe new life into your bathroom.

For a long time the carefully crafted style of your home’s interior design stopped at the bathroom door and a more stark, neutral tone suddenly appeared for a single room of your house. However, interior designers and homeowners alike are saying “No longer” this year as the tone and style of the home is becoming more and more present in the bathroom. In 2015 this means that there’s going to be more inclusion of warm metal tones, standout features like storage and even furniture inspired by your living room, and a focus on nature in terms of both design and accessorizing. Get inspired by your own personality and taste!

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