Dirty condenser coil

A dirty condenser coil can make you spend more on your electricity bill, cause breathing-related issues to your family, make your home less comfortable, and also damage the whole AC system.

Running a dirty HVAC can cause all sorts of trouble, not only for your pocket but also for your health. According to the pneumologist Raj Dasgupta, a dusty AC can cause conditions like allergies and asthma to get worse.

This only increases the importance of knowing all the troubles a clogged coil can cause and how to clean it. If you are looking for this kind of information, you came to the right place. Keep on reading!

What Does a Dirty Condenser Coil Cause?

The air conditioning system in your house is one of the things you have to clean and maintain regularly. Having a dirty coil can cause problems such as:

  • it will spend more energy to run, increasing your bill;
  • the cooling capacity of the unit will be significantly lower;
  • a dirty AC coil decreases the lifespan of the HVAC unit significantly; and
  • it will blow dust air into your home, probably full of mold and bacteria.

And that's not all! A clogged condenser coil is directly responsible for damage caused by water condensing and freezing inside the whole system.

Can a Dirty Ac Filter Cause Condensation?

If the filter is full of dust and other particles, the airflow going through the unit will be very reduced, which ends up trapping humidity inside the machine, causing condensation on the inside surfaces.

Will a Dirty Condenser Coil Cause Freezing?

Yes! The dirt accumulated in the coil will make it less effective at absorbing the heat, causing even more humidity to accumulate and freeze. The freezing itself can damage the fins, but when the ice melts, the water can damage the electrical parts even more.

What are the Dirty Condenser Coil Symptoms?

If you’re doubtful about the actual condition of your condenser, some symptoms can help you identify the necessity of maintenance or full cleaning. Pay attention if:

  • the ac is running longer than usual;
  • the cooling is not as good as it used to be;
  • your electricity bill increased on average;
  • less air is flowing through the vents; and
  • it is possible to see ice forming outside the coil.

Have you noticed one or more of these symptoms in your unit? So it is time to pull up your sleeves and give the condenser coil a good cleaning. Let’s check how to do it below.

How to Clean Dirty Condenser Coils on an Air Conditioner?

Cleaning the condenser is not rocket science, but you need to follow some steps for precaution. We made a complete tutorial on how to clean an ac condenser, check it out!

  1. The first thing you need to do is unplug the whole system from the power, preventing any electrical hazards.
  2. After, find the condenser box, normally located outside of your house. It will have panels preventing you from reaching the coil and they need to be removed.
  3. Now you can take a good look inside and check for any problems, besides dust, of course. Corroded or broken fins and loose wires are some examples. If you find any, it is better to call a specialist.
  4. If you find nothing of that level, start cleaning the larger debris, like leaves, rocks, bark, and grass.
  5. You will probably be left with a thick layer of dust on the coil fins. This can be cleaned with a soft brush and a vacuum.
  6. You will probably be left with a thick layer of dust on the coil fins. This can be cleaned with a soft brush and a vacuum.
  7. You should now inspect for fins that are bent. They can be fixed with specialty comb, easily found online or in your local hardware store.
  8. To finish off, wash everything with a garden hose, being careful to always aim the water from top to bottom, never sideways, as the water can bend the fragile fins.
  9. Almost done, now it is just a matter of reattaching the outside panels, but, before you do, give them a good wash too.

Let everything dry completely, plug the system back and you have finished the task!

Now everything should be up and running smoothly, but, if your AC is still presenting some issues even after a good cleaning, the best option is to find a specialist. Our professionals will give you the best HVAC cost estimates, from cleaning to installation. Give us a try!

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