The new year is here, the celebrations are starting, and the resolutions are defined. Want some inspiration for the new year or even some small gift ideas for your loved ones? Check out these amazing free printables that you can print yourself to decorate your house all year long to keep yourself motivated and inspired. Or, you can frame them and give to your loved ones. Anybody would love it!

Today Anything is Possible

This gorgeous printable is perfect to hang in your bedroom to motivate you every day when you wake up. The simple phrase is powerful enough to keep you inspired and pumped all day long. Isn’t it the perfect addition to your home's decor this new year?

Happy New Year!

This printable is so beautiful that it deserves to hang on your living room or mantel throughout January (or longer). It also works great as a gift option: you can print and frame it to give to your loved ones or print it in a smaller version (A5) and make it a great holiday card!

Dream, Create, Inspire

This incredible Dream, Create, Inspire printable is just what you need for the new year. Hang it in your home to keep you inspired all year long and print extra copies to keep your loved ones motivated too!

Have Courage and Be Kind

This amazing art is perfect to hang next to your front door: so every time you leave your home you’ll be reminded to be brave and get motivated. Kindness takes us a long a way, and even small acts of kindness can transform our lives and the lives of those around us. So remind yourself everyday to keep practicing it!

Live Life Colorfully

This amazing printable is perfect to remind us to leave the negativity behind, put on a smile, and spread happiness wherever we go. Print it in color and use a frame to hang it in the living room or bedroom, where you can always have it in sight. And the best part: share it with your loved ones so they can join on it too!

Do you like them all?

Get the whole set clicking here:

What do you think of these beautiful printables? Which ones are you adding to your decoration and which ones are you gifting your loved ones? Let us know on the comment section below and check out our other Printables!

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