Raised garden bed drainage

Raised garden bed drainage is as good for plants to thrive as any other soil drainage. It allows the excess water to get removed from the soil and helps plants to get the nutrients they need.

They are one nice way to grow different plants, flowers, or vegetables, and can be added to the house's front yard or backyard, or to concrete small patios and even rooftops needing only proper drainage.

Using them is not as hard as you imagine. Read this complete guide and become an expert in raised garden beds drainage and maintenance.

Does Raised Garden Bed Need Drainage?

Definitely, yes. The roots of the plants living in the raised bed need a good amount of oxygen to absorb nutrients. If there is too much water accumulated because of lack of drainage, they will most likely:

  • suffocate;
  • become vulnerable to diseases;
  • rot; and/or
  • die out.

To avoid all these terrible scenarios, let the plants breathe! Continue reading to know how.

How to Improve Raised Garden Beds Drainage

There are three main steps to achieve well-drained soil, even with raised garden beds: choose good soil, add organic matter, and go for the ones with legs.

The plants growing in your garden will need air, water, and nutrients, all available in the solid they are in, and the raised garden beds are typically a more drained option than others – already an advantage.

1.  Choose a Good Soil

The soil needs to be open and friable with a significant amount of organic matter. A sandy loam can be the perfect option. Plus, aerating it from time to time is the key to keeping drainage working well. Use a fork to move the soil on raised garden beds, and allow oxygen to enter it.

2.  Add Organic Compost to the Soil

This way, your plants will be guaranteed to have all the nutritional benefits they need. Another excellent add-on is worms – try them too! It is common for the soil to become compacted, but not good because it doesn't drain water well.

3.  Try Raised Garden Bed With Legs Drainage

The ones with legs are as good as the ones that don't have legs, and you can try either of them if you like. The bottom of raised garden beds with legs are the same, so the overall tip is to use good-quality soil and fabric to line the bed. That will ensure good drainage.

What to Put on Bottom of Elevated Garden Bed?

For raised garden beds with a bottom, set a bed liner like canvas, landscape fabric, or hardware cloth at the bottom of your raised garden bed. That will keep water draining without carrying soil with it – plus, it will get you rid of weeds. On top of that, you can put several organic materials, such as:

  • wood chips;
  • leaves;
  • straw; and/or
  • grass clippings.

Putting plastic liners will worsen the drainage, and rocks or gravel are also not good ideas. All right?

If you are having trouble with raised garden bed drainage, don't hesitate to reach our landscaping pros. Avoid your plants to suffocate and slowly die. Call them now!

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