Image of a man fixing an air-conditioner. He is using a safety helmet.

The best spring AC repair and maintenance practices include removing and cleaning the outdoor unit cover, changing the inside filters, and inspecting for any damages that might have occurred during the last season.

Although it does not seem like much, checking before turning everything on again can save you from a lot of trouble, from making a small problem worse to even creating a fire hazard. Learn more about it in this complete guide!

What Is The Best HVAC Setting For Spring?

To know what temperature your AC should blow, consider that the best setting depends on your specific preferences and the climate in your area. However, most experts say you should change it according to your schedule:

  • around 65ºF when there is no one at home;
  • 65-70ºF when you and your family are at home; and
  • 65º during sleeping hours.

Of course, this is a general number. You can feel colder or hotter, so minor adjustments should not be a problem. If you are not keen on changing the temperatures three times a day, think about investing in a programmable thermostat that works even when you are on vacation.

How Do You Prepare Your AC For Spring?

If you remove covers or blankets, clean the outdoor coil, change the filters, inspect the ductwork for leaks, and test your thermostat, everything should be fine for the spring. With every changing season, having your spring air conditioning repaired or maintained is a good idea, even if it does not seem necessary.

Remove Covers

It is common practice to cover the outside unit with blankets during the winter to prevent damage from the weather. However, many homeowners forget to remove these covers when the season changes, and turning an AC with the vents covered is a recipe for disaster.

Clean The Outdoor Coil

Now that you have made sure nothing is covering the unit take the opportunity to clean it of any debris that may have accumulated around or inside it. As the coils work by heat transfer, the better the airflow through the coil, the greater its efficiency (and lower power consumption!).

Change The Filters

The AC air filters get dirty, even during the winter. So, go inside and check your indoor unit to change its air filters. Are you new to this task? There is no need to worry, as it is always explained in the manual somewhere.

Inspect The Ductwork For Leaks

If the ducts running from inside to outside have any sort of leak, your AC will work poorly or not. Even if the winter was a mild one where you live, animals and small portions of freezing water can cause serious problems.

Test Your Thermostat

The thermostat controls how the unit runs, so we can say it is like the machine's brain. Turn it on the thermostat to a cold temperature and let it run for a couple of minutes. If you do not feel like the cold air is pumping like it should, there may be a problem.

For any last-minute spring AC repair you need, the best idea is to get a quote from the best HVAC contractor in your area. They will surely help you out!

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