The ancient teachings now known as Zen are entirely focused on achieving a state of calm, meditative serenity which soothes, centers, and focuses those practicing its tenets. This meditative, soothing state has become a goal for homeowners all over the country in the past few generations as the day-to-day of the average person has grown busier and more stressful and so it only makes sense that in recent years homeowners and interior designers alike have taken to embracing the teachings of Zen to homes all across the country. In fact, many leaders in the field of Zen study have stated that there’s a clear connection between Zen interior design and the wave of minimalist interior design which is now so popular in fashion, decoration, and style. But if you’re interested in applying more than just the influence of Zen philosophy to your home then here are the 3 keys to achieving the balance and beauty of the Zen interior design style throughout your home:

Clean Home, Clean Mind

Open airy custom windows
Open glass windows

Simplicity and mindfulness are major aspects of the Zen interior design style and the first and foremost part of this which homeowners can act upon is to hire a maid service to reduce the clutter and distractions which tend to build up around the home. To simplify this process, many homeowners simplify the contents of their room, opting to remove carpeting and exchanging traditional storage options for concealed cabinet installations. These options allow for just as much function as the average home without the busyness and congestion which all too often arises with over-decoration.

Simplistic, Serene Structure

Natural looking green colored bathroom
Green tinted paint options

Much of the Zen interior design style is composed of tranquil colors free from decoration or distraction but when patterns are featured they can always be counted on to display as much subtlety and structure as possible. Generally speaking this means that wall and ceiling and even flooring installations will utilize straight, simple lines only rarely augmented with a carefully positioned decorative feature like wall art, furniture, or plant life.

Scene Setting: Lighting, Painting, and Decorating

Very peaceful, relaxing living room layout
Zen furniture

In order to complete the relaxing feel which the Zen interior design style lends to a space decorate and design your home according to the central tenets of the philosophy which inspired it: simplicity over extravagance, calm over complex, and flowing over rigid. To help achieve these conditions rely on cool, calm colors for interior painting, perhaps augmented with Japanese-inspired decor choices to pay further tribute to the origins of modern Zen study. Additionally, avoid an over-abundance of any sense stimuli especially excessive artificial light. Airy, transparent window treatment installations allow for an excellent amount of light and concealed LEDs under counters or sparingly used throughout the room’s layout will help to maintain the meditative and mystical style which you’re striving for.

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