Performing pranks is fun as long as nobody ends up hurt, right? With that in mind, we’ve decided to put together a collection of prank ideas that will help you enjoy the holiday in a healthy way! What makes these ten ideas even better is that fact they’re really simple to make. Most of them you can make with everyday household items. So, check them out!

“Even the gods love jokes.” - Plato

Bubble Wrap Rugs

Bubble wrap rug.
Bubble wrap under the rug for a good laugh. Image source: Make It and Love It

This is the type of prank that will get people thinking about it. Imagine yourself walking into a room and the rug starts popping? Now that’s a good one to watch happening - and I can bet you you had never thought of making this before.

Spider Prank

Who's not going to sleep tonight?
Who’s not going to sleep tonight? Image source: Someecards Office Pranks

This is originally a prank for your work colleagues, but why not try it at home too? Spiders pranks always give us a good laugh (even if we’re the ones falling for the prank).

While we’re on the spider subject,

Have you ever seen the toilet paper spider prank? It’s also really simple to make, you simply use a black pen to draw the form of a spider on a piece of the paper and when someone rolls it out, they (most definitely) freak out.

Air-horn Seat

Air horns are loud and give great jump scares for the camera!
Air horns are loud and give great jump scares for the camera! Image source: Bored Panda

Oh, there are so many ways to perform a prank using air horns! This is one of my favorite ones, it’s also one of the best pranks to get a camera and make a video of people’s reaction to it. Have you seen the one with the air horn on the end of the doorknob as well? I think the chair one is better, but that one can be fun too!

Jelly Objects

Jelly makes for great pranks when it comes to hiding objects!
Jelly sure makes for great pranks when it comes to hiding objects! Image source: Bored Panda

Now, what about this mom with a sense of humor? I’ll totally think of her as an inspiration when raising my own kids! Life can get pretty tough, but with a sense of humor like this, everything works out in the end. Way to go, mom!

Just in Case

Just in case you forgot, here's an extra case!
Just in case you forgot, here’s an extra case! Image source: The Humor Train

Okay guys, this one I don’t even know what to say. I kinda feel like this isn’t really funny, but at the same time, it’s so funny I simply had to put it on the list! Think this would be a great way to give a prank gift to someone, a “just” in a case, just in case. Seriously, this must be some kind of dad joke!

Toothpaste Oreos

Don't worry about ruining Oreos, you can always make an actual dessert with the filling.
Don’t worry about ruining Oreos, you can always make an actual dessert with the filling. Image source: Bored Panda

Last year I did a whole post about prank foods, and toothpaste Oreos was among those. I’ve got to say: it works so well I needed to repeat it here! Everyone gives a good laugh with these, but remember to make it casual and very subtle since most people probably heard about his prank by now.

Sticky Notes Car

There goes a lot of post-its, but totally worth it!
There goes a lot of post-its, but totally worth it! Image source: Bored Panda

This prank requires a hand full of patience, that’s a whole lot of post-it notes! Of course, when you’re bored, that’s not a problem at all! With time on your hands, this prank will make for a good story in the future!

Jelly Juice

Make some jelly and put it in with straws!
Make some jelly and put it in with straws! Image source: homeyou

Jelly juice is another one of those prank foods I can’t get enough, people fall for it every time! Because you can’t drink it, but you can eat it, people always find this prank amusing. Simply grab some dessert spoons and it’s an innocent, fun prank.

Texting Prank

This texting prank is hilarious.
Get your friends curious with this GIF prank! Image source: Buzzfeed

You know that anticipation we have every time someone says “Hey, I need to talk to you about something...”? This prank is kind of like that. This GIF that looks like you’re typing the longest book ever is a great April Fools’ prank!

Frozen Breakfast

A frozen breakfast bowl to make your kids laugh!
A frozen breakfast bowl to make your kids laugh! Image source: alpha mom

Kids love this prank and it’s one of the easiest of all. All you need to do is freeze a cereal bowl overnight! Of course, you need to remember to put a spoon inside, that way when your kid comes to get breakfast they find themselves surprised by this magic cereal! It’ll definitely make everyone laugh!


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