To the budding paleontologist, what better way is there to decorate a room than with dinosaurs? Dinosaur themed bedroom ideas are exactly the thing to keep your youngster engaged and mentally active. You'll certainly want to boost their creativity while they're young, and dinosaur themed bedroom accessories like this can help.

“I've been blogging since February of 2001. When I started blogging, it was a dinosaur blog. It was me and a handful of tyrannosaurs. We'd be writing blog entries like, 'The tyrannosaurus is getting grumpy. - Neil Gaiman

Dino Wall Art

Dinosaur themed wall art! Just what every kid wants
Make your kid's day with prehistoric wall art. Source:

Paint colorful dinosaur themed artwork on your children's walls. This brightens the room and saves your walls from any scuffs, dings, or crayon marks. Alternatively, dinosaur room decals can also be placed around the room to create a similar atmosphere. This makes the room look so much more fun.

3D Dinosaur Wall Art

Turn your blank wall into Jurassic art
Wall decor that can really make a room. Source: Amazon

The other very cool part about modern decor are the newer 3D models and designs. In this case, you can make it seem like a dinosaur is bursting through your wall. 3D dinosaur wall art is a fun way to spice up the children's room and provide an interior eye-popping feature for your home.

DIY Dinosaur Room Decor

DIY planters made from dino toys
Make decor out of old toys. Source: HGTV

Another approach is simply putting on your DIY gloves and getting stuff done! Try out making different vases out of toys, knitting dino attire, or hanging wall mounts out of plastic dinosaur tails. There are many different ways to enjoy crafting DIY dinosaur items, and here's just a few:

  • Stitched pillows
  • Dino doorstop
  • Triceratops coatrack
  • Mini T-rex terrarium
  • Melt a dinosaur figure to a lid
  • Pterodactyl Puppets
  • Cut out hollow toys to make a planter
  • Brontosaurus bookends

Dino Plaster Accessories

Are you the creative type? Construct a massive art project!
Plaster molds in the shape of dinosaur bones! Source: Tumblehomelearning

Another decor idea that is incredibly customizable is plaster molds for dinosaur bones. You can even use paper mache, whichever you prefer. Turn this into your child's favorite dino head or even a whole skeleton! Combine this with other ideas to create an archeological dig centerpiece. You can even turn it into certain furniture items, like a table.

Homemade Fossils

Unique fossils that your children can craft
Find fossil decor with your children! Source: PBS

For just the right balance of DIY and decor, you can craft your own homemade fossils! Using nothing more than wet used coffee grounds, 1 cup flour, ½ cup salt and cold coffee, you can create the perfect imprint material for any fossil find. Use toy dinosaurs, leaves, even tiny footprints as imprint materials. All you have to do are the following steps:

  1. Mix all the ingredients together
  2. Knead the “dough with your hands
  3. Imprint the item you wish to fossilize
  4. Let dry overnight
  5. Decorate around your child's playroom

Any home decor tips you'd like to share? Let us know in the comments below! Don't forget to follow us on Facebook for more great tips and inspiration!

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