There are many habits that go against the basic fire safety rules in your house, and they need immediate attention. But there’s no need to worry because we’re here to show you the five most common habits that you can start changing right away.

Good habits are worth being fanatical about.” - John Irving

Dirty Rags

Dirty rags.
Dirty rags can't just pile up. Image source: The Kitchn

It’s really easy to just take those oily rags and pile them up in a corner in the house until you feel like dealing with them. However, these could easily oxidize and start a fire. So stop leaving them just lying around!

What you can do to prevent this: Place the rags inside a metal can filled with water and cover it. Or simply lay them outside to dry!

Dryer Lint

Dryer lint.
Cleaning the lint is really important. Image source: Frugally Blonde

Not only will this help keep your dryer working at its best, but by emptying the lint screen, you’ll also reduce fire risk in your laundry room. Since lint is flammable, if you turn on the dryer and mix lint and heat, that could turn into a disaster. Make sure to clean the lint regularly.

Laptop Overheating

Laptop overheating.
Never leave your laptop on the bed, Image source: Unsplash

Ah, the laptop. We all have the habit of leaving it on the couch, on the bed, or even on the rug sometimes. We have to stop it! All of these surfaces are flammable, especially because laptops easily overheat when in contact with them. It’s so simple and safer to put the laptop on a table!

DIY Things You Shouldn’t

DIY things you shouldn't.
Don't try to DIY big things like electrical issues. Image source: homeyou

We’ve talked about things you shouldn’t try to DIY at home, and really: sometimes you just need to call a pro. When it comes to electrical issues, plumbing issues, or HVAC related, pick up the phone and call someone who has the proper license and knows what they’re doing. Way better than putting your home and your family at risk!

Not Doing Chimney Sweep

Chimney sweeping.
Getting your chimney sweep is really important. Image source: Make Life Lovely

Would you be surprised if I said many people forget to do chimney sweeping? It’s very common to find fire hazards in there after a period of not using the chimney. Those can include:

  • Dead birds
  • Raccoon nests
  • Cracked mortar

So, add this to your to-do list or call a pro as soon as possible!

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