Signs you need new ac unit

Even the most well-maintained air conditioning system gets old and presents signs you need a new AC unit, such as strange smells and sounds, high energy bills, moisture buildup, weak and warm airflow, and frequent repairs. Even the age of the equipment can be a sign to change it.

Before the hot temperatures hit, our tip is that you understand whether these signs are a queue to have an AC replacement right away.

A bad AC can not only cause your whole house to be unpleasantly warm but be a huge headache if you try to replace it in the hot seasons. They will cost you more money, time, and patience than necessary.

Therefore, to decide if getting a new AC unit is the case for you, get to know the most common symptoms that indicate your system might be in its last moments. Continue reading, discover 6 signs you need a new AC Unit, and avoid the inconvenience of realizing you have no AC on the days you most need it.

1.  High Energy Bills

An AC that does not function properly anymore uses more and more energy, leading to high bills. It is one of the first signs people face when ACs no longer work well. If you notice yours is getting out of control, it might be time to check the efficiency of your unit.

2.  Limited Airflow or No Cool Air

As obvious as it may sound, when there is not a significant airflow coming from your AC after it is turned on for a few minutes, something is wrong. You're gonna need to worry when the AC does not make the room cooler when you can barely feel the air flowing out of it or even when warm air is coming out. It is for sure a symptom of problems.

3.  Strange Noises or Unusual Smell

Attention to your senses: strange loud sounds – banging, squeaking, or clanking – and foul smells are not good signs. These may be bad AC capacitor symptoms. The air flowing into your home is supposed to be clean and fresh, so smelling odd is not okay. Some sounds may be normal, but anything exceptional requires a special look.

4.  Moisture

As soon as you notice any moisture showing around the AC unit, check if it is not the time to replace the machine. A well-functioning AC should handle moisture and keep the home dry enough. Moisture buildup can mean a leak and lead to more serious issues, such as mold – which is quite difficult to deal with once it starts appearing.

5.  Frequent Repair

AC maintenance is a usual and healthy habit to have. However, if your AC has been requiring frequent professional attention and repairs, it means there is something off with it. Plus, do the math to check if you are not spending more money on these constant repairs than you would spend buying a new system this time.

6.  Old Age

The thing is, every machine has a lifespan. Even the best quality and the most maintained ones reach a point when nothing can be done to fix it. Also, it becomes unprofitable to insist on your old AC after some time.

Some AC matters can indeed be fixed, but remember repairing makes sense until starts to cost more than purchasing a new machine.

Plus, if you are wondering how to know if your AC compressor is bad or how to tell if your AC capacitor is bad, these are the same signs you are going to find.

And always remember to follow the instruction manual during use.

Is It Bad to Keep Turning the AC on and off?

It is not necessarily bad to keep turning the AC on and off, but it is also not recommended as it puts pressure on the machine’s compressor and spends more energy than needed. Turn it on to a comfortable temperature and leave it like that until you are not going to use it anymore. That is the best habit to have with your AC unit.

After all, to examine whether your AC Unit is on its last leg, or if it can be put back to perfect functioning with a simple repair, do not hesitate to call our HVAC contractors to help you out on the task!

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