Throughout life, it’s necessary to adopt a series of plans in order to make things work. Whether you use planning for finance, retirement, personal goals, or a simple event, having a solid plan will help everything go more smoothly.

It’s no different with Thanksgiving. This all-American holiday is, to many, the most important day of the year - a time to celebrate gratitude and give thanks, but also a time to spend with family and friends with whom we want to share our love and our lives. However, for many people, Thanksgiving can add some stress if it's not properly planned out. Here are some awesome charts and infographics that are going to help you plan the best Thanksgiving ever.

1. Dinner Timeline

Follow this minute by minute chart and you'll actually have fun! Image Source: Country Living
Follow this minute by minute timeline so that you don't get flustered at turkey time. Image Source: Country Living

Let’s start with the dinner timeline. This minute by minute chart will actually make cooking your Thanksgiving dinner a fun and enjoyable task, whether it’s for a small group or for a dozen of people or more.

2. How Long to Thaw a Turkey

No mystery this year. This chart lets you knoe exactly how long to thaw a turkey. Image Source: Country Living
No mystery this year. This chart lets you know exactly how long to thaw a turkey. Image Source: Country Living

Let’s get more specific now. Thawing a turkey has always been sort of a Thanksgiving enigma to many. But there’s no major secret. Here’s the science so that you can stick with the love.

3. How Much Turkey Do You Need?

Whetever you to avoid or have leftovers, knowing how much Turkey you need is imperative. Image Source: Delish
Knowing how much Turkey you need is imperative. Image Source: Delish

Okay, so now you’re asking yourself, how much turkey do I need? This chart is extremely helpful for that purpose. It even helps you decide if you should go for a bigger or smaller bird. Of course you have to take into account whether you’re a leftover person or if you can’t stand turkey the day after. Sometimes an extra breast or a bigger leg will keep you from having to buy an extra turkey.

4. Let’s Talk Gravy

No lumpy gravy this year with this awesome chart! Image Source: Good Housekepping
No lumpy gravy this year with this awesome chart! Image Source: Good Housekepping

No matter what, gravy is mandatory. To make sure you make the best gravy ever, plan it out with this seven-step chart that will help you master the gravy subject. No lumpy gravy ever again!

5. Spice it Up!

What about upgrading your mashpotatoes? Here are a few ideas. Image Source: Good Housekeeping
What about upgrading your mashed potatoes? Here are a few ideas. Image Source: Good Housekeeping

Perhaps you’re in a creative mood this year, and feel like you want to provide more personality to your mashed potatoes. Here are some ideas of delicious combinations that may inspire you to even have a thematic Thanksgiving. Why not? Oh, check out this article about using sweet potatoes on the Holidays. It’s great!

6. Thanksgiving Fun Facts

Some fun facts to entertain your guests and family. Image Source: Country Living
Some fun facts to entertain your guests and family. Image Source: Country Living

It’s time to learn some fun facts about why we celebrate having a bountiful Thanksgiving. This is for you to learn now so that you can entertain your guests or change the subject quickly if necessary at the table.

7. Carving the Bird

This very instructive chart will teach you how to carve once and for all. Image Source: Good Housekeeping
This very instructive chart will teach you how to carve a turkey once and for all. Image Source: Good Housekeeping

If you're already cooking Thanksgiving dinner, the added stress of carving the turkey could be a little too much. Well, not if you follow these very instructive drawings that will grant you the role of turkey carver for years to come. Of course, always respect parents and grandparents when it comes to that, some are very sensitive about roles.

8. The Ultimate Wine and Pie Combination Chart

The right wine for each right pie is the ultimate attention for details! Image Source: Country Living
Getting the right wine for each right pie is the ultimate proof of attention for details! Image Source: Country Living

This one is simply fantastic if you want to impress. How much more attentive to details can one get? Combining the wine and the pie is the ultimate proof of caring for perfection.

Of course you’re not going to get your fork on glass to make a statement about it. People just sense perfection. Now, you may want to just drop a line like: “ this wine goes so well with the pie…” to a distant cousin. Just in case - rumors spread fast.

9. Setting the Table

Setting the table properly will make dinner more enjoyable. Image Source: Good Housekeeping
Setting the table properly will make dinner more enjoyable. Image Source: Good Housekeeping
”I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck.” -Emma Goldman

More than etiquette, setting the table appropriately will make dining easier and more pleasant. No fumbling around the table this year. Just figure out what you have and how fancy you want to get. This infographic will help you adjusting these two variables.

10. Guestiquette

These tips will help you get invited next year. Image Source: Country Living
These tips will help you get invited next year. Image Source: Country Living

Come on, it’s family! It’s unconditional love (or it should be). But things can get fiery and some topics should be avoided. This may be a little too personal but there are rules that can be followed in order that people around you will have a pleasant time, too. They are good for family and friends and they’ll get you invited next year. Being careful with the drinking doesn’t even show because it’s an unwritten rule.

11. I Was Invited, What Do I Bring?

Showing up empty handed isn't very kind. Image Source: Mental Floss
Showing up empty handed isn't very kind. Image Source: Mental Floss

This one goes with the previous. You don’t want to show empty handed, that’s rude even if you’re really broke. There’s a way to be cooperative, so remember you still can offer help and that’s always very kind and nice!

Anxiety doesn’t rhyme with good times. And Thanksgiving should be a great time to enjoy the best things in life, which are family and friends. It’s time to be thankful and to realize that sometimes what we think to be little is a lot.

For you to be able to contemplate all that, your mind has to be at ease. So don’t be afraid of planning. Things go wrong when you don’t, not the other way around. Falling short of what’s planned is natural. That means you cared, not that you failed. Use these charts and many others that you can find online and have a wonderful Thursday!

What are your plans for Thanksgiving this year? Sharing them below or through our Facebook page is a way to get started.

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