Isn’t it nice to just sit and relax in your own yard? Suburbia wasn’t built with privacy in mind, so you’ll have to come up with solutions on your own. The most common way to add some solitude to your backyard is with a privacy fence. There are numerous materials that can be used in this project, and quite a few ways to go about accomplishing this task. So here’s a general guide to privacy fence installation.
“Historically, privacy was almost implicit, because it was hard to find and gather information. But in the digital world, whether it's digital cameras or satellites or just what you click on, we need to have more explicit rules - not just for governments but for private companies.” - Bill Gates
Backyard Privacy
You’ll want to make sure that you’re building at just the right height for your home. Usually this is a standard six feet tall, depending on building codes for your community, but if your neighbors have a high up deck, that would pretty much defeat the purpose.
Conversely, if your home is on a hill, you might not need to build as high a fence if the other homes are lower than yours. This is where consulting with a contractor can come in handy, or if this is a DIY project, have a helper aid you in your perimeter work.
Otherwise pick out the privacy fence that works out best for you:
- Wood privacy fence
- Vinyl fence
- Hog-wire privacy fence
- DIY pallet fence
- Prefab fences
- Modern decorative fencing
- Galvanized perimeter fence
- Wattle fencing
Post Spacing
Usually each post would be eight feet apart in a perfect world. In reality, however, you’ll need to make due with what you have. If your property lines don’t allow for a perfect eight foot separation, then you’re going to need to alter the layout for your posts. That’s why it’s best to draw up privacy fence plans early on in the project. The posts don’t just hold up your fence, they protect against gravity, wind, and the test of time.
Permits and Legality
Building codes, regulations, and local ordinances all vary from county to county. So it’s best to plan a trip to town hall to see what permits you’ll need and what restrictions there are. Moreover, it’ll prevent you from being fined or having to tear down the fence due to restrictions. It’s best to be certain that you privacy fence designs can be built on your property. This is doubly so for homes built on private or gated communities.
Property Lines
Start with a plot plan that marks off the corners of your yard. A don’t fall into the trap of assuming that your property lines are a perfect square, either. Some properties can have unusual sections or may be wider or smaller on a certain side. To be totally sure, you should obtain a photocopy of your property lines from city hall. It’s best to do this before privacy fence installation so you aren’t forced to tear it down.
Separating your privacy fence panels will be one of (preferably) two gates. Gates are important as they allow entry into your fenced off yard. Another neat trick is to keep one panel of your fence removable, that way you can allow for larger objects to pass without issue. If you’re an active gardener, it may help to make those gates extra wide, as well. This will be handy when using a wheelbarrow.
Design Variations
Bare in mind that privacy fence designs come in many shapes and sizes, and do not have to be uniform. If there’s a sudden dip in your yard, it’s entirely possible (and material efficient) to simply allow on section of your fencing to dip with it. It might offend those who need everything to be uniform but it certainly makes for a unique fence design. Just keep in mind that fences don’t have to consist of one continuous height, or even material for that matter.
Thinking of building a privacy fence in your backyard? Start by calling a professional contractor for a free quote. Or visit homeyou to see more ideas. Be sure to check out our Facebook page for the latest tips and suggestions.
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