It’s that time of the year again when picnics start sounding like the perfect weekend plan, but you never seem to get around and actually do it because you just remember the previous times where you kept being bothered with insects all over you and your food.

Does that sounds familiar?

Well, not this time! These tips eight tips will tell you all about how to have a picnic and truly enjoy it.

“Unless you are at a picnic, life is no picnic.” - Jane Wagner

Pick Your Spot Well

Pick your spot well.
Pick your spot well. Image source: Camilla Styles

I know that a spot under the shade of a tree can be appealing, especially if it’s hot out, but that is the biggest mistake to make! You’ll most likely end up sitting on top of an ant colony. So, yeah, you want to avoid that.

In fact, this is the spot that what you want:

  • Clear
  • Open
  • Away from soggy or wet areas
  • Preferably where wind can do its charm at any time

Time Matters

Some colonies are quieter in the morning, which is a great time for a picnic.
Some colonies are quieter in the morning, which is a great time for a picnic. Image source: Every Day Parisian

What you need to know is: many colonies get more active during the afternoon and evening, while in the morning they have a tendency to keep quieter. Which means: maybe the best time to go for a picnic is in the morning! If you’re not an early bird, think on the bright side: at least you’ll be getting some more vitamin D for a little while.

Stay Away from Water

A lake view can be awesome, but sit far away from the water itself.
A lake view can be awesome, but sit far away from the water itself. Image source: Intrinsic Beauty

I mentioned above to avoid soggy and wet areas, but this is a really important thing to keep in mind if you truly hate bugs. Of course, you can have a picnic by the lake, but stay as far away from the water as possible - as mosquitoes, horseflies, and some other insects that bite are just waiting for you over there.

Citronella Candles

Citronella candles will help keep away mosquitoes.
Citronella candles will help keep away mosquitoes. Image source: Longaberger

As much as we humans may enjoy the acid smell of citrus, bugs hate it. So lighting a citronella candle can be a great option - especially if you’re having a end-of-the-afternoon picnic.

Another options is:

Spray some citrusy essential oil over the picnic chose spot. Peppermint and citronella are two very efficient oils for the purposes we’re looking for here.

Here’s one more idea:

Ants and bugs tend to run away from smoke, so if you don’t mind it and no one has asthma, light a scented incense near your picnic, or even some tiki torches.

Bright Colors Are a No-No

As pretty and refreshing as it may be, if you want to keep bugs away, avoid bright colors.
As pretty and refreshing as it may be, if you want to keep bugs away, avoid bright colors. Image source: Style me Pretty

Even though spring and summer are both times that call out for cheerful and bright accessories, they’re also the seasons where pests use colors to find nectar and food. That’s the reason why you need to keep it simple, and avoid floral patterns too.

Safe Food Containers

Use safe food containers.
Use safe containers that won’t leak. Image source: sheerluxe

I’m sure you know this already, but it’s nice to have a little reminder, right? Don’t take out the food until you’re actually going to eat it and make sure to close the containers tightly and put them back in the cooler right after you finished eating. This way the smell won’t spread so much and it won’t attract as many insects.

Bug Distraction + Barriers

Water and smoke are two ways to keep ants away.
Water and smoke are two ways to keep ants away. Image source: one good thing

A bug distraction is quite easy to make. One example is filling up a bowl with a water and sugar mix, then placing it away from your picnic. The barrier idea is similar, and it works especially for ants:

  • If you’re using a picnic table, place the legs in a bowl with water
  • If you’re on the ground, surround your spot with chalk (or cornstarch)

Sounds silly, but it works!

If At Home…

A clean yard can be the perfect place for a great picnic.
A clean yard can be the perfect place for a great picnic. Image source: Hot Beauty Health

If the picnic is in your own garden, the best tip I can give you is: keep it clean! That means, no trash, no standing water sources, and try to choose some insect repellent plants for your garden (such as: catnip, citronella, and lavender). Plus, you can always hire a service to give your yard a thorough check up.

Ready to go for that picnic? Share your tips and photos with us on Facebook!

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