We all need help (and a little push in the right direction) when it comes to cleaning and organizing the house. Since 2020 already started, we thought it’d be great to share some tips to keep your home organized. After all, there’s nothing like a New Year starting with a freshened up home!

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. - Oprah Winfrey

Get Rid Of Anything You’re Not Using

Donating is the best way to get rid of things you're not usnig anymore.
Donating is the best way to get rid of things you’re not using anymore. Image source: Appleshine

That doesn’t necessarily mean throwing everything out, you can sell or donate items that are still looking good and working properly. But still, anything that you’re not using and you didn’t even think of using in the last year need to get out of your house. Clearing the clutter is an essential step for getting anything organized.

Create Areas

Labels are quite helpful to keep track of your home organization.
Labels are quite helpful to keep track of your home organization. Image source: Real Simple

Each thing should have its own place to be put away, it’s not like you need to number your shirts to know which order they need to follow in hanging cabinets, but they should have their place defined in the closet.

Things such as:

Arts & crafts supplies need their place, medicines and first aid kits should always be handy, and so on.

Make sure to have similar items all grouped together!

Use All Storage Spaces

Use every space of the house to keep organized.
Use every space of the house to keep organized. Image source: Domino

When organizing the house, we usually try to keep the most thing handy in the kitchen or living room, since those are the places we tend to use more often.


You can make your life a lot easier - and the kitchen and living room a lot less cluttered - if you simply use storage places throughout the house.

In the bedroom, bathroom, laundry room, and even the entryway, if possible.

Just remember:

Let everybody know where you put things so you don’t have people messing everything around and looking for things that are not there anymore!

Try a Filling System

A binder is simple to use and to store.
A binder is simple to use and to store. Image source: The Organised Housewife

Nowadays, most people use the internet to keep track of their paperwork. But, if you’re still using paper bills and receipts to keep track of your house and life expenses, a filing system is what you need.

A simple binder can do the trick for you, there’s no need to try anything too fancy.

A few categories to keep organized are:

  • Paid stuff
  • Medical bills
  • Insurance
  • Investments
  • Utilities
  • Cable/internet
  • Credit cards
  • Debit expenses
  • Receipts

Invest in Practical Furniture/Tools

A wall calendar is practical to use and you'll remember every appointment.
A wall calendar is practical to use and you’ll remember every appointment! Image source: A Beautiful Mess

Is “keep things organized one of your New Year resolutions? A lot of people have that on their resolutions list (including myself), but we almost never get to check that off by the end of the year, right?

What you need to do is invest in practical furniture and tools that will help you stay organized for longer.

Of course,

There’s no magical furniture that will organize itself (wouldn’t that be great?) while you're sleeping.


You can find a filing cabinet that will help you label drawers and keep everything in its right place. Or a wall calendar to write on that will help you know the dates and time of every appointment you have.

Find what works best for your own interests and needs and invest in it! It may come with a higher price upfront, but it will totally pay off.

Look Back, Make Plans Ahead

This New Year's Eve resolutions game can be quite fun to find out what you want.
This New Year’s Eve resolutions game can be quite fun to find out what you want! Image source: The Idea Room

There’s no better way to know what you need for the New Year than looking back at the previous year. So, take some time to notice everything that went right and everything that went wrong this year (you can even write down a list to make it easier), and make your New Year’s resolutions according to what you want to change based on that.

Make sure you keep those goals in mind and plan your year around them. For example, if your goal is to stay organized, you’ll need to follow the tips we just gave you here.

Hope they’ve actually helped you and that you liked them! Stay tuned on our Facebook page for more great tips!

More than that,

This time of the year is perfect to hire a professional cleaning service so you can kick-start the year with a spotless home! GET A FREE QUOTE here!

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