Whether you believe that the position of the stars can affect your daily life or not, it’s certainly fun to take online quizzes and see how close your sign is to your personality. However, your zodiac sign doesn’t just match your personality. It can match your organization habits as well! So take advantage of your zodiac traits with these nifty organization tips!

“I've studied astrology for many, many years, and I feel like it's an incredibly challenging art.” - Lynn Collins

January 20 - February 18: Aquarius

Labels and storage options that are practical are perfect for Aquarians to take advantage of!
Labels and storage options that are practical are perfect for Aquarians to take advantage of! Image source: Classy Clutter

The keyword for Aquarians is functionality. They like to keep things practical and also to make humanitarian choices. So, using storage pieces with labels and recycling bins will help them to make positive choices on a daily basis. Aquarians are intellectuals, which can easily help them reach for the large-scale goals and using a vision board at their workplace can help visualize how to make those goals reality.

February 19 - March 20: Pisces

Having a space that allows creativity to flow while also focusing on work is what a Pisces need!
Having a space that allows creativity to flow while also focusing on work is what a Pisces needs! Image source: The Inspired Room

Pisces are usually known for being intuitive and they like to be comfortable and have lots of space to work with. If you’re a Pisces, consider organizing your space with specific zones (like a reading space, a working space, a place to ease the mind, and so on).

Since Pisces have a tendency to procrastinate a bit too much, the work space should focus on a system that forces you to keep focused. But at the same time, have enough quirkiness to allow your mind to wonder and create freely - because that’s how Pisces reach their full potential.

March 21 - April 19: Aries

A simple to-do and done tracker can make an Aries focus a lot better!
A simple to-do and done tracker can make an Aries focus a lot better! Image source: GUB life

Aries are really independent and ambitious, they have this energy for action and even need to be careful at times so they can put that energy to a good use. A pegboard at an easy-to-reach height with all the essentials is great for this sign.


Despite the energy for action and proactiveness, they can have a tough time with the follow-through, so keeping a tracker of your steps can help see the projects working and keep you motivated not to jump into the next one ahead of time.

April 20 - May 20: Taurus

A huge calendar on the wall is great to keep deadlines for a Taurus in sight!
A huge calendar on the wall is great to keep deadlines for a Taurus in sight! Image source: Homedit

Taureans are self-sufficient and like to work with a daily to-do list, marking the priority tasks and getting all of the done by the end of the day. Even though most of us don’t work well under pressure, Taureans are driven by deadlines and routines. So you can have a calendar board in front of you the whole time and if you don’t have deadlines, make your own (organizing like a Taurean by the end of the week, for example)!

In addition to that,

They tend to be night owls and love to have a midnight snack! So it’s very important to have your pantry (the whole kitchen, since we’re on the subject) organized in a way you can easily take something off the shelf without making a mess.

May 21 - June 20: Gemini

Pomodoro is so easy to use and very efficient for all zodiac signs!
Pomodoro is so easy to use and very efficient for all zodiac signs! Image source: medium

Geminis need a ten-minute distraction every now and then, but they need to be careful so that those ten minutes don’t turn into a whole day. Whether you’re a Gemini who needs a distraction from cleaning the house, working, or studying, you can use the Pomodoro technique.

It works like this:

For every 25 minutes you work (or study, or whatever it is you’re doing), you get 5 minutes of distraction. Once you get four pomodoros completed, you get a long break that can vary between 15 to 30 minutes. Then you get back to work and do it over again!

June 21 - July 22: Cancer

A place for everything you have is so Cancer-like!
A place for everything you have is so Cancer-like! Image source: HGTV

Cancer is the most nurturing sign, family and friends are everything for them! They’re at their happiest when they can balance all aspects of their life while being able to do good and help others. Being a Cancer myself, I can say that we simply love organizing with folders, labels, and everything has its place:

  • There’s a folder for all the family’s important documents and information (pets included)
  • A storage box for all the letters and drawings the kiddos make for us (though some of these are also hung up on the walls)
  • There are even pots and jars for each thing they cook throughout the week

July 23 - August 22: Leo

Make a statement with your decor to give your Leo nature some drama!
Make a statement with your decor to give your Leo nature some drama! Image source: trendir

Leos love to get attention and admiration for their work, that’s how they improve and find motivation to keep doing what they’re doing. Similar to Geminis, they can also benefit from the Pomodoro technique, though not because they get distracted easily, but because they like structure and routine. Alongside that, they have an eye for drama, so an outstanding decor piece can be really good to brighten a Leo’s mood!

August 23 - September 22: Virgo

Find the best places to put the plants Virgos love so much!
Find the best places to put the plants Virgos love so much! Image source: homeyou

Virgos can surround themselves with plants and never get tired of watering, trimming, and finding new ways to decorate their homes with nature! They’re organized and perfectionists by nature, even needing to control themselves at times so the perfectionism doesn’t get in the way of a deadline.

The ideal bit for them is to organize with a list of must, should, could, and want, that way they can focus on completing the most important tasks and move on.

September 23 - October 22: Libra

A color system can work very well for Libras.
A color system can work very well for Libras. Image source: A Bowl Full of Lemons

Libras have a tendency to be visual learners, so a color coding system with images, drawings, and anything else related to that will help them focus on what they need. Though when it comes to decorating their space, they like beauty and symmetry, so be careful not to overdo anything big at home.

October 23 - November 21: Scorpio

Recycling can be a good option for the rebirth and starting anew vibe of Scorpios.
Recycling can be a good option for the rebirth and starting anew vibe of Scorpios. Image source: homeyou

Scorpios like setting goals and they work hard to achieve them, especially when faced with a little friendly competition. Get your friends involved in this organizational run as well and start a small competition to see who can organize the fastest.

Keep in mind,

The sign of Scorpio represents rebirth and starting anew, so if while you’re organizing you find some items that aren’t making you happy anymore or items that are simply taking up space, be sure to donate them instead of throwing them out so they can continue the cycle and bring joy to someone else.

November 22 - December 21: Sagittarius

The adventurous spirit of Sagittarius likes to make it bold!
The adventurous spirit of Sagittarius likes to make it bold! Image source: HGTV

Organization and Sagittarius don’t normally go hand-in-hand, so trying to find a way to keep your space clean and clutter-free can be frustrating. The tip here is: try the Action Method for organizing. It focuses on “action steps” rather than simple to-do lists, which will help you stay focused and get your organizing done as efficiently as possible - so you have time to daydream and go on adventures!

December 22 - January 19: Capricorn

Keep your desk clutter-free so it's easy to organize!
Keep your desk clutter-free so it’s easy to organize! Image source: Apartment Therapy

Capricorns thrive in an organized space, so staying organized is a must for these signs. They also have a tendency to be very hardworking, so routine and structure will help Capricorns focus on the task at hand!

What you need to do is:

Try spending ten minutes before work tidying your desk so it doesn’t distract you throughout the work day. Spending a little bit of time every day will help keep the whole space organized without interfering with other tasks.

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